Proven 90-Year-Old Method, Took Me From Being Fat, Tired, And Frustrated To Lean, Energetic, And Body Confident.

Would you answers YES to any of these questions?

Are concerned about your weight?

You have noticed that as you have aged the size of your waist and stomach has increased.

Are you distressed about your blood sugar levels?

You want to find a way to keep them under control without taking drugs.

Do you feel run down all the time?

Your energy levels are nowhere near where they used to be.

Are you tired of the dieting hassle?

You're fed with counting calories, having to portion every meal, always feeling hungry, and (worst of all) eating boring, bland food.

Do you feel like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place?

You want to make lifestyle changes to improve your health and well-being but don't know what to do.

If so, don’t worry it’s not your fault. – You have come to the right place. 

I'm glad you're here.

My name is Ken Barnes, I am a certified health coach and the founder of LEAN Keto, however, I understand the situations above, as I have experienced all of them.

I know what it feels like to look in the mirror and feel disappointed and embarrassed by the reflection staring back at you.

I am guessing some of you reading up to this point are now saying, “Not another long personal journey story.”

So just in case, here is my story in short;

Now you can decide whether you want a bit more meat on the bone regarding my journey.

 I hope you do…

As I want to share my personal journey and discovery with you, which can help you to easily lose weight, manage your Diabetes and blood sugar levels, increase your energy levels and even reverse some disease – no matter what age you are or what your current health condition is.

The headline you first saw on this page could have easily been...

“The Science Of How To Live Longer, Feel Stronger and Look Younger"

because that is what the experience and knowledge I have now gained and want to share can help you do.

Before I get to the details, I want to share my personal journey with you.

At age 53, I found myself weighing a whopping 231 pounds, for my height, I was classed as very much overweight.

I felt disgusted and embarrassed by my body and how my stomach used to hang over my trousers and often did not have to energy to engage with my daughters in the way I felt a father should.

My weight and energy made me so inactive and sometimes I got out of breath.

Add to that the passing of my mother, whom I was very close to… and I was a mess.  Losing my mum…  words cannot express how much that was the most difficult time in my life. 

After her passing, I went into a food-crazed spiral that made me gain so much weight.

I couldn’t stop eating and high carb sugar rich foods and sweets, they were my favorite. My energy levels and health were declining… my moods were erratic… and I was not in a healthy mental state.

I vividly remember the day that I realized I had to change my life...

...That was a real eye-opener!

One day, while clothes shopping, I tried on a new top. When I looked in the changing room mirror, I couldn’t believe who was staring back at me! I mean, I knew I gained some weight, but, WOW, I was shocked to see just how much weight I had gained.  

At that moment, I felt disgusted with the way I looked.

That was the moment, I realized I needed to make a commitment to fix up and change my life.

Two things that helped motivate me to change and stick to this new commitment were:



If I put on more weight and get sick, I wouldn't be there for my children.

I knew my mother wouldn't want her passing to be the reason I let myself go.

So, I made a commitment to change my ways, slim down, get fit, and get healthier.

I started an intense home workout programme.

I made this video and made it public when I started my intensive exercise routine to lose weight. I was serious about my efforts this time and wanted to be publicly held accountable.

It helped some, but didn’t produce the results I was hoping for. Not only that, but the exercise intensity was not sustainable for me.

And Then I Made The Discovery That Changed My Life​

You see, the real turning point in my weight loss and health came when I stumbled across a little-known 90-year old treatment for epilepsy...

...It's called the ketogenic diet. It's a high-fat, low-carb weight loss method for a healthier life.

The ketogenic diet was first used in the 1920’s, when doctors used it to control epileptic seizures among patients. Since its origin, the ketogenic diet has been effective for weight loss, reversing diabetes, raising the energy levels, and increasing the quality of life for people around the world and so much more.

Even though much of what I read about the ketogenic diet was counter to what I had previously read and heard, I decided to try it for thirty days.

Well, that 30 days was life-changing for me.

So much so that it has become a lifestyle.

I noticed a few things about my new lifestyle change quite quickly...

The Keto diet was not restrictive

The first thing to strike me was that the diet was not as restrictive as the other diets I had followed. I enjoyed the broad range of foods I could eat, and I never felt hungry.

I stopped feeling bloated after my meals

Before I started eating a ketosis a low carb diet, I used to feel bloated after my meals. I would feel full of wind and it feel very uncomfortable at times. The meals I wa snow eating did not give me that feeling at all. I was not counting calories, or looking at my portion sizes, I was eating until I felt like I had enough but with no bloated feeling. I really started to enjoy eating my meals.

I had consistent energy levels and productivity​ increased

An unexpected bonus of me eating low carb meals was my consistent energy levels. Before low car eating I used to have days when I would eat a meal or a snack and 30 to 60 minutes afterwards I would feel tired and sleepy. This would often make me unproductive during my day. This spike and then drop in my energy levels disappeared within a a week of starting my ketogenoc diet.

What a ketogenic diet has done for me:

To date I have dropped 4 stone (56 lbs) with it.

I was around 231 lbs when I started now I around 14 lbs

Cured my sleep apnea, which I had for many years.

I now get a better nights sleep and do not feel so tired in the mornings 

Given me high energy levels.

I enjoy consistent higher levels of energy throughout my days

Killed my undesirable craving for sugar.

I stopped wanted to binge on sweets, crips and cakes

Improved my total health and well-being.

My mental clarity and my focus has greatly improved.

Normalised my blood sugar and reversed my pre-diabetic state.

My doctor had warned me that I was on my way to becoming a diabetic and if that happened, I would be on medication for life.

Hear how a ketogenic diet and lifestyle reversed my pre-diabetic condition.

This picture was taken at my 54th birthday.

A Proud Dad

One of the highs of my journey was when my two girls told on how great their dad was looking. They told me how proud of me they were that I have made such a change, especially as I was now over 53 years old.

They love having their old, energetic and fun dad back!

Now I'm on a personal crusade to share my experience and the knowledge I have gained with the world. ​

I want to help improve peoples lives and, in some cases, save their lives.

My mother passed way from weight-related illnesses…

…If only I had known what I know now I could have helped her lose the weight she’d been struggling with for years


A new chapter begins

With these thoughts in mind, using the experience and lessons I had learned during my keto journey, my knowledge and understanding of CBT, and my training as a health coach, I created LEAN Keto – a programmatic, holistic weight-loss and health management method, you can use to maximise your weight loss, health and well-being in the most efficient manner.

I want to share the life-enhancing benefits that I have gained with you and the world through my book

LEAN Keto - The Science Of Getting Lean, Fit, and Healthy

The day my new LEAN Keto book arrived, I was so excited I made video as I opened the delivery box for the first time.

LEAN Keto: The Fastest, Easiest, Sustainable Way To Lose Weight, Keep It Off, Gain Energy, Get Fit, Sleep Better, And More... With Guaranteed Results!

What sort of results?

I’ve not only helped people from all walks of life but, with LEAN Keto, I went from a 37 inch waist to a 32 inch waist in just 6 months.

A few of my clients have experienced similar or greater results.

If you’re tired of working harder to lose weight and get healthy, but seeing less and less when it comes to results, learning how to change your lifestyle is THE most important skill you need to master.

If you’re tired of working harder to lose weight and get healthy, but seeing less and less when it comes to results, learning how to change your lifestyle is THE most important skill you need to master…

This book lays it out for you on a silver platter...

...Simple. Easy. Step by step.

Your shortcut to sustained health and well-being

Here's the problem with my weight loss journey...

It took me years of yoyo dieting to get where I am.

I read books, tried different diets, took courses, attended numerous seminars, workshops, and more.

I was trying everything I could get my hands on.

It was through chance that I finally figured out that eating a low carb, moderate protein, higher fat diet was the key to finally push my weight in the right direction.  

It does not have to take you that long...

My LEAN Keto book distills every thing I learned from my experience, study and extensive research on eating and living a ketogenic lifestyle.

This is the book I wished I had many years ago, a book I wish I had when my mother was alive.

It would’ve saved me so much time and effort and I truly believe extended my mother’s life.

It’s packed with information, tips and techniques to help you control everything from your weight to your blood sugar levels, and have the well-being and health that you deserve.

LEAN Keto Is More Than Just A Diet

It’s not just about losing weight. You can turn to the internet for that.

LEAN Keto is really about you getting your life back.

Being healthy.  

Having sharp mental focus and energy.

...In other words, LEAN Keto is about you living a lifestyle that will help you to live longer, feel stronger and look younger.

Some of the benefits you will gain from following a LEAN Keto lifestyle include:

Once you change to a LEAN Keto lifestyle, your body will do exactly what you want it to:

In My LEAN Keto Book You'll Discover:

That's just a sampe of what you'll find in this life-changing, evidence-based, information-rich book.

I pull back the curtains and reveal all the tools, strategies and methods I personally used to succeed on my weight loss and wellbeing journey so you can do the same.

BOTTOM LINE: LEAN Keto Is About YOU Finally Having A Solid Plan With Specific Action Steps To Help You Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Live Longer, Feel Amazing And Look Great.

LEAN Keto Is Not A Quick-Fix Diet Plan

If you are looking for a ‘quick-fix-diet’ plan that does not require any effort or you do not have to maintain is some way, again, the LEAN Keto Lifestyle programme is not for you.

Although you can more than likely will lose weight faster than you ever thought possible, LEAN Keto is aimed at developing lifestyle habits aimed at developing a new you leaner, fitter, and healthier you – for the rest of your life.

Are you ready to lose weight, transform your health and turn your life around, and put my proven LEAN Keto Lifestyle method into action?​

If your answer is YES!

I am so confident in the results LEAN Keto Book can achieve in your life, I am going to offer you my personal ROCK SOLID 100% Satisfaction Guarantee 60-Day Money Back Guarantee!

It's my 60-day — that's two whole months! — risk-free, love-it-or-leave-it, full money-back personal promise

I honestly believe this is a powerful, intensive and easy-to-do weight and health management  book. I would want to be struck by lightning, if I thought you were disappointed.

So here's the deal...

 Read it and follow it for a full 60 days… that’s two whole months! Take notes, mark up your copy, and apply what you learn. Use every strategy and technique as many times as you’d like for 2 full months.

If my LEAN Keto book doesn’t deliver everything I have promised, or if you are unhappy with it for any reason, then I do not deserve to have your money. Just tell me and I’ll immediately refund every pence, including shipping, no questions asked.

In Just A Few Minutes, You Can Be On Your Way To -- Finally -- Shedding That Weight, Managing Your Blood Sugar Levels, Improving Your Health, And Looking And Feeling Great!


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