What is Ketoacidosis?


This section, outlines the very important distinction between ketosis and ketoacidosis.

This is an important distinction to understand.  

Due to the phonetic similarity, many people confuse ketosis and ketoacidosis. This is even the case with medical doctors. That is why the keto diet often gets a bad rep. So, let me be crystal clear here, ketosis and ketoacidosis are not the same thing! 

Ketoacidosis is a situation in which uncontrolled ketone production takes place. This is usually driven by a lack of insulin in the body (i.e. diabetes). Due to the low insulin secretion, blood sugar shoots up, and your fat cells release huge amounts of fatty acids. This triggers massive production of ketones, which, combined with the elevated blood sugar, messes with the acidity balance of the blood. This is dangerous and can even be fatal. Ketoacidosis most often only affects people with type 1 diabetes, who cannot produce any insulin. If your body can secrete even a tiny bit of insulin, ketoacidosis won’t happen.

Ketosis on the other hand is a healthy, controlled, and insulin-regulated process. It occurs in response to a reduced carb intake or fasting. Ketosis causes a mild release of free fatty acids and ketone body production. This process is natural and harmless and has many health benefits. In fact, when you awake in the morning, your body is often in a mild state of ketosis due to the absence of food and carbs during the night.

Thus, ketoacidosis and ketosis are vastly different. While the former is dangerous, the latter is harmless. Actually, ketosis is one of the best gifts you can give your body.

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