L.E.A.N Lifestyle story

Maureen Coley

“Outstanding Results”

Why did you take part in the L.E.A.N Lifestyle programme?

I wanted to try something different, improve my health – walk longer distances without feeling breathless. Other diets were quite costly, I found them hard to stick to and frankly, once the diets were over, returning to eating everyday foods only made me gain weight again… more so than prior to starting the diets!

The appeal was being able to eat “normal” foods and not having to purchase specific specialist costly products. Years of yo-yo dieting and more recently, more weight gain! Fed up with my increasing clothes sizes – yet refusing to get rid of clothing, I could no longer fit into; convincing myself, I’ll wear them again! I had seen Ken Barnes’ post on Facebook about the low carb high fat diet. When I read the results people were getting, I thought I would give it a try.

How was the experience?

The first three days, on the LEAN Keto programme, I experienced headaches however that passed. I started this journey on the Monday and by Thursday on weighing myself I was surprised to discover I had lost a few pounds (I hadn’t even been 100% on the “diet”). Cutting out carbs was not difficult at all. This diet was easy to follow and introduced me to eating and viewing food in a completely different way.

What did you gain from participating in the L.E.A.N Lifestyle programme?

I have lost weight, joints feel more flexible. No hunger pangs. Bullet proof coffee, surprisingly filling. Having the support of Ken as a coach has been paramount in continuing this journey as he himself has been through this process. 

Seeing his before and after pictures – outstanding results – is so inspiring and motivating! This is not a “diet” for me any longer, it is a lifestyle change to embrace long-term, hence I decided to participate in his coaching programme in order to learn more and have the support of a coach.

I started this journey on the Monday and by Thursday on weighing myself I was surprised to discover I had lost a few pounds, I hadn’t even been 100% on the “diet”.

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